The Lord’s Prayers (Vater unser) – Willem Ceuleers
The organ you hear and see is to be found in the ‘Christuskerk’ (Christchurch) in Antwerp (Belgium). It is built by Marc Nagels in 2004-2005. It is based on / inspired by the Störmthal organ of Zacharias Hildebrandt (see below). Both organs have a similar mensuration and stop list.
Some recordings are gathered on this page.
You are invited to check the pages of this website to read more about this organ. You can even compare the sound (youtube presentation of the organ at Störmthal, and extracts from a CD recording of the Antwerp organ). The Antwerp organ was inaugurated on Trinity Sunday 2005 with a cantata composed by Willem Ceuleers, Een woord kan een geheim bewaren (Text by Jaap Zijlstra, a Dutch poet) The Störmthal organ was inaugurated on Trinity Sunday 1723 with a cantata by J.S. Bach: Hocherwünschtes Freudenfest: BWV 94 (more info about this cantata).